• Image of Creator Gallery Photography 101 Class  October 26th 9:30 am-11:30 am

Want to take better pictures of your family, friends and children?

Want to learn more than the basic functions of your camera?

Want to learn how to take better candid snapshots that are fun and memorable?

•How to use and create better lighting.
•Posing your subjects.
•Creative cropping.
•Finding better perspectives.
•Using your flash in sunlight.
•Create better vacation pictures.

Attendees must bring their own camera. Cameras will not be provided. All cameras are acceptable. DSLR, 35mm, iPhones, point and shoot cameras. Class is limited to 25 students to ensure each student gets greatest opportunity to learn and allow for question and answer session at the end of class.

Classes will be taught by Kevin Kuster Senior photographer at Creator Gallery and Associate photographer at Creator Gallery Thom King. Both Kevin and Thom have extensive photographic experience and have a passion to teach.